As it is now, you don't really care if you did okay or not, and it all gets a little pointless as it's not a challenging game to begin with. Giving out bronze/silver/gold depending on your score would have done a lot to the replayability and enjoyment. Although you get a score at the end of each mission, you're not told if you did well or not. You're meant to press a button to grab the nearest object, whether it's a door, a chair or a person's foot, but more often than not, the character ends up grabbing something else than you intended. Two main issues bring the game down though: 1. Two main issues bring the The premise is great, and the animations and rag doll physics initially create hilarious situations and moments. The premise is great, and the animations and rag doll physics initially create hilarious situations and moments.

ZANY HUMOR: From the inventor in his underwear to the unlikely baddie, the characters are weird enough to make The Stretchers stand out from other recent ragdolly games. FUNNY SLAPSTICK MOMENTS: The characters' antics and the ragdoll physics will get old eventually–but you will laugh a lot before they do. The borderline-casual gameplay will provide a few hours of fun. PROS: FUN IN THE FAMILY: This game shines when played by two people with good communication, even if one of them isn't a "gamer". Don't expect to be challenged in any way–and considering the imprecise controls, that's for the better. VERY LITTLE CHALLENGE: This is a game for families. After the first few missions, the rest is basically more of the same. CONS: IT GETS REPETITIVE: While the game does introduce a few new elements over time, they're not enough to offset the repetition. IT GETS REPETITIVE: While the game does introduce a few new The stretchers is a physics-based two-players co-op slapstick. The stretchers is a physics-based two-players co-op slapstick.