I thought i would try login to the web version of my OneDrive and see if i could synchronize from there and I have now began the sync process. I did what you had suggested, opened my settings from my OneDrive folder, under the Account Tab, i clicked on the link to "choose folders" and i could see that all of the folders were already checked, so in theory they should have synchronized automatically but they did not. Has anyone else experienced this issue with OneDrive not remembering recently saved folders and their Williams Hi Mike, thanks for your reply. When i did that, it indeed showed that the file location that i had just created did exist in the pathway i just described, in Word's memory, but it was still not existent in my OneDrive's memory under my File Explorer.

After about 10 minutes, i opened the Word program once again and then located the file under,"Recent Documents", then right clicked the file that i had recently created and selected "Open File Location".

Then i thought that it might not be showing in my File Explorer/ OneDrive if I still had the Word Document open so i closed the word document and then opened my OneDrive in my file explorer and I still couldn't find the folder that i had just created. It was really strange, because i was sure that i had created the folders and i was not losing my memory. Upon trying to locate the folder in my OneDrive, the folders that i had just created, never showed up again. I recently created a folder on my OneDrive account with Word Documents that i had saved in the folder.